Silence isn't an absence of noise. It's a quality of mind.

I am a sucker for a good looking GUI so when an opportunity presents itself to try and improve my workspace to make it more easy on the eye I will generally take it up. Recently I read a post by Scott Hanselman 'Console2 - A Better Windows Command Prompt' and I immediately got myself over to SourceForge to download a copy of Console2 for myself. The project describes itself as "a Windows console window enhancement. Console features include: multiple tabs, text editor-like text selection, different background types, alpha and color-key transparency, configurable font, different window styles". I'm not going to cover how to configure your instance of the Console because Scott's post already does a very good job of this, however, what I do want to share with you is my own configuration and how I have made it a bit more useful for me. First of…

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TwitterBerry - Network Request Failed

Posted in   Miscellaneous ,   Software

I recently upgraded TwitterBerry to v0.8 on my Blackberry Pearl and it stopped working, every time I tried to connect I got a 'Network Request Failed' error. My friend Google wasn't much help so I emailed support at Orangatame Software which yielded no result and zero response which I thought was pretty lame since I did get an auto-response back from them stating "Thank you for submitting your question to us online. Case #00001998: "Network Request Failed" has been created and a Orangatame Customer Advocate will get back to you shortly." Anyhow, this morning I was messing with the settings and managed to get it working by configuring it to use a connection mode of BIBS whatever that is, so I am now able to start tweeting again from my phone!…

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After installing a new browser you may find that Visual Studio changes the default browser for debugging to the newly installed browser and it is not immediately obvious how to revert back to Internet Explorer or another preferred browser. After a lengthy period of time picking through the settings in the Options dialog box I discovered I was looking in the wrong place. In actual fact you can change it via the File > Browse with menu option where you can also specify the size of the new windows that is launched when you start debugging web apps.…

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